Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Parent Teacher Conference Prep

Let's talk Parent Teacher Conferences for a moment. Anyone else pulling some late night conference prep this time of year?

As part of my conference prep, I send home a short parent survey a few days before conferences to help give me a better idea of how to structure my conversation with each family. We only get 15-20 minutes TOPS to talk and the time goes by FAST so I want to know what they're seeing at home: areas of growth, areas they want to see growth, if they're child is reading, and how homework is going. Also, I want to know if there is anything they have questions about or would like to discuss in detail. This ensures I can properly address it during the conference. It also helps give you a heads up about what's on their mind. Nothing is worse than having to field a question you weren't anticipating on the spot!

Parent Teacher Conference Parent Survey (Free)

This next sheet is a quick glance at writing, behavior, and assessment scores. It will go inside the manila folders that I put together for each child.

Parent Teacher Conference Forms (Free)

The manila folders make it super easy to grab and be ready with everything I need when a family walks in. They will also get to take this folder home with them. There is nothing cute or fancy about these folders. Just plain folders with the child's name written on them. Here is a list of all the items that might go into a child's conference folder.

Prepping for Parent Teacher Conferences

I put the two conferences sheets I showed you above into a little freebie.
Click the cover below to download these forms.

 Alright kids, I'm off to keep prepping for my conferences.
Burning some midnight oil over here.

 I'd love for you to stop by and visit me on my Blog, Facebook, or Instagram!

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