Monday, September 7, 2015

Objectives Made Easy

As the weekend winds down over here I wanted to show you one way I prep for the start of a new week. Part of my planning includes printing out my new weekly objectives!

Editable Objective signs. Type and display in the classroom!

 I created an editable objectives template for each subject. Tonight I looked at my plans for the week and typed these up real quick to take with me to school tomorrow. Print & go is definitely my style!! 

At school I display them on my white board using page protectors and sticky clips.

This makes it super simple to swap them out each week!

Side note: I'm thinking about moving these from the white board to a bulletin board this year, which will mean using staples instead of stikki clips for the page protectors.


 Me: "Hocus Pocus..."

My Whole Class: "What's Our Focus!!!"

That's what you will hear when it's time to read one of our weekly objectives!

It's amazing what those two little magic words can do to get kids excited about something like objectives! I like to call a student helper to point to the objectives with a special pointer as we read them all together.

Writing these in kid friendly language and making them interactive doesn't make me feel like I am wasting precious wall/board space, one of my pet peeves! We also refer back to them during our lessons. 

You can check them out HERE or by clicking the image above to see more. 

That's it! One more things off my ever growing to-do list!! Now I'm going to curl up on the couch and do a little Netflix-ing to end this glorious 3-day weekend. Hope y'all are doing the same. :)


  1. I am seriously in LOVE with these. I was struggling with posting my objectives this year in my new room, and I wasn't happy with them. This will be so much better!

    Live, Laugh, Love Second

  2. I love hearing what other teachers do! Great ideas with hocus pocus, the pointer, & kid-friendly cards! Thank you :) Jen

  3. I have these hanging in my room. I laminated them and use a white board marker to change them each week. I wish i could afford the ink to type them (my handwriting sucks) each week! #PoorTeacherProblems

  4. I love it too! I just need to find the right spot!
