Saturday, September 5, 2015

How We Get Down With GoNoodle

Let's talk GoNoodle!! I first found out about the amazing-ness that it is two years ago and it's been a staple in my classroom ever since.  Read on to see how I use GoNoodle in my classroom AND enter for your chance to win your very own Champ T-Shirt!!

My group this year is already head over heels for GoNoodle!! I introduced the expectations for how to GoNoodle along with all of our other important routines like lining up in the hall and how to use the bathroom. Why? Because GoNoodle is one of our daily routines!

{GoNoodle-ing on the first day of school..zap it zap it make it happen!! }

So much so that I begin teaching the procedures below on day one! I can't even tell you how impressed I am at the way my class follows these four simple rules in just two weeks time. I don't even have to tell them to sit down after each GoNoodle. They do it automatically! 

I use GoNoodle to serve three purposes in my classroom...

I'm very careful not to only use GoNoodle as a reward for good behavior because it's not just something we do for fun. Brain breaks make such a huge impact on the amount of learning that happens each day. Two years ago I shared how our GoNoodle brain breaks helped transform my afternoons. The number we do each day is ultimately flexible depending on how our day is going and the overall needs for one. But to give you an idea, after the first few weeks (once our stamina has grown) these are the times you are likely to see them happening.

The afternoons are pretty long in our class. Brain breaks make for nice transitions. 

I have a tally system on my white board with smiley faces and frowny faces. If at the end of the day the kids have more tallies under the smiley face than the frowny face they earn a "Just for FUN" GoNoodle! This is also a time when we'll try new GoNoodles.

Last year, we were lucky enough to have Koo Koo Kangroo perform at our school as part of their West Coast School Tour!! As a result, we are perhaps just a little bit biased when I say they are our FAVORITES!!! :) My kids beg to do Koo Koo videos. They would Pop See Ko til the cows came home if I let them!

In the Spring I traveled to Nashville along with some blog friends to meet-up with the GoNoodle team on their home turf. While we were there I learned about GoNoodle PLUS. It includes 16 additional games, and the cool things is, they all incorporate academic content! I wanted to share one detail of what you can do on this end of the site because prior to the trip I had no clue myself. 

{Rocking the Champ T-Shirts....enter to win yours at the end of this post!!}

I can create & save my own questions to use with each game OR I can pick from pre-loaded content that comes with each game by grade level and skill. I can also select the length for each game. 

If you want to check out all of the PLUS features for yourself you can scroll to the bottom of your dashboard and sign up for a 15 Day Trial. 

Do you GoNoodle yet?! If not, you need to sign up... right now!!! It's FREE. 

Alright, it's time to talk GoNoodle Swag!! I'm giving away a Champ T-Shirt!!!
This shirt makes many a Friday appearance at school. 

Use the Raffelcopter below to get yourself entered. It's short and sweet!!

You can also save 15% off ALL the goods in the GoNoodle Shop
Sept 5-11th using the special code: BTSwithGoNoodle

Happy GoNoodle-ing!!! 


  1. I am excited to use Go Noodle this year for the first time. Thanks for the chance to win!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. GoNoodle is the best ever!!! I love Pop See Ko! And honestly anything else Koo Koo Kangaroo!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  4. GoNoodle is fantastic! I started using it last year during inclement weather recesses and my students begged to do it. They had a blast. I just introduced it to my new group if students yesterday and they are already hooked. Such fun. Although I have not met the Koo Koo Kangaroo Crew (I would LOVE to!), they are my favorite. I love GoNoodle!
    :) Amy

  5. We love GoNoodle! I love Pop See Ko, and a kid favourite in our class is always the Secret Handshakes!

  6. I love Koo Koo Kangaroo, but my kids love the Run With Us ones. ☺️

  7. This will be my first year using GoNoodle with my kiddos!

  8. I love GoNoodle! My class loves POP SEE KO and Fresh Start!

  9. Go Noodle is awesome! My friends love Pop Si Ko!

  10. Pop See Ko 2.0 is my favorite! I could also Pop See Ko until the cows come home!

  11. The first graders in my room love POP SEE KO both versions, and we are bug fans of the Dino stomp and Rolla coaster ride.

  12. Pop see ko is definitely our class favorite!

  13. Pop see ko is definitely our class favorite!

  14. Neil and Bryan came to my school, too! The nicest guys ever! I love Get your body moving!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  15. My favorite Gonoodle is any of the Koo Koo Kangaroo videos & Flow. I love how Flow teaches ways to calm down, manage stress and understand feelings.

  16. We love Pop See Ko or Rollercoaster!

  17. I've just signed up - so don't have a favorite yet. Looks like my first graders will love it!

  18. I can't believe you met Koo Koo Kanga Roo! I love everything by them but I really like the Secret Handshakes. Not by Bryan and Neil but I also like Kitty High Five.

  19. Our favorite is Pop See Ko...once we do that one, its stuck in my head for the rest of the day!

  20. We love all the Koo Koo Kangaroo songs. Especially Pop See Ko!!!

  21. We use GoNoodle everyday for brain breaks! I love get loose and pop see ko!

  22. I LOVE GoNoodle! It truly is a way of life for our classroom! My kids know that while we love how fun the brain breaks are, we are also preparing our brains for learning. I also love your procedures poster. Those are the same procedures we use too!
    P.S. It was so great meeting you in Vegas this summer! :)

  23. I've never used GoNoodle before, but I can't wait to start :)

  24. My favorite (and my students') is definitely Pop-si-Ko!!

  25. My class LOVES all the KOO KOO Kangaroo brain breaks! They are my favorite too!! :)

  26. My class loves Pop See Ko! They actually asked on the first day of school if we'd be using Go Noodle this year. When I said yes, they all cheered!

  27. We love KOO KOO Kangaroo too, my kid's favorite is POPSIKO and I love, Awesome Rainbow.

  28. My kiddos love anything koo koo!

  29. We love Go Noodle. Our fav. is the one we are doing now--Zapp Von Doubler. I didn't know you could use it for review. Thanks for letting me know.

  30. I love zumba, the kids love koo koo!

  31. I LOOOOOOOVE Go Noodle!! This year my kids are extra squirrely. My person favorite it Get Loose! :)

  32. I have a very active class this year, so we Go Noodle all the time! We love "Get Yo Body Movin'!"

  33. Pop See Ko is always a class favorite!!

  34. Pop See Ko is our current favorite!
