Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Currently {I Heart October} Edition

Thank you Farley for posting your October Currently tonight. I have just enough energy left in me tonight to gitrdone ;)

LISTENING: Like I said, I'm listening. But I'm wishing it was Grey's Anatomy, because the opener last week was someone's idea of a bad joke! I am counting on tomorrow night's episode to make up for it.

LOVING: October means Halloween is right around the corner and I  LOVE HALLOWEEN!! It's my favorite Holiday to celebrate in school too! (followed closely by St. Patrick's Day) But this week I was finally able to take my boot off my broken foot- after being a slave to it for the past 2 1/2 months. You should have heard my kids screaming and cheering for me when I greeted them at the door boot free. Another teacher perk- I've always got my own personal fan club!

THINKING: Oh. My. Word. Switches schools, teaching a combo class, and all new curriculum has been kicking my butt!! It's like a constant state of treading water. The last time I felt like this was my first year teaching. Whew!

WANTING: The more bloggers I see sharing all the cool ways they are using iPads in their class the more I wish someone might just kindly drop a few on my stoop. Not holding my breath on it though...

NEEDING: Does anyone else have flat feet frustrations!? I have orthodic insoles but they don't fit in cute little flats. The only fit into sneakers. So finding shoes that are flat & comfortable is HARD. Throw cute in the mix, and it's dang near impossible!!

BOOK: I read alot this summer. Right about now the only reading I do is too my kids or curriculum and Common Core Standards. It's not exactly leisurely reading. I miss summer days by the pool! However I am excited to check out The Spookely Square Pumpkin which is a newbie to my October read aloud list this year.

The Legend of Spookley, the Square Pumpkin - Halloween Books for Kids 

You can link up your October Currently over at Farley's Blog!!

I will be back tomorrow to share who brought these little desk treats and what they're all about!


  1. Finding shoes. Yep. As I went flying after tripping over a student sitting on the carpet waiting for daycare to pick her up I thought to myself... "I need new shoes." Good luck! And I bet it does feel good to get the boot off!

    Do you know, I've heard of it but never read The Square Pumpkin. Totally also check out Creepy Carrots. HILARIOUS. A hit today.

  2. I am right there with you wanting some Ipads for my classroom! Oh the possibilities! :)
    Love your adorable blog!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  3. I love spookley! Even though I teach 4th grade I still have that book in my library. :)
    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies

  4. I love Spookley. It's such a cute book. I'm glad to hear about your foot.

    The Teacher's Backpack

  5. I just switched, too and I've worked almost twice as hard getting situated in 2nd now!! You're not alone!!

    And that's awesome about that I-pads in the classroom. I'm sure your kids LOVE it!

    Second Grade Nest>

  6. Found you on Farley's Currently. I've been hearing all Spookley but I can't find it (unless I want to pay through the nose on Amazon) :( Congrats on getting rid of your boot! Teaching with broken bones is not easy!

    I'm your newest follower! Stop over anytime!
    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  7. Oh my goodness I feel your pain - I HATE the boot. I had one 2 years ago and my leg still isnt' quite the same for running...although I still go out there. :O)
    Happy for you to get that things off...I had a cast for 5 weeks and a boot for 3.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  8. Hi, great giveaway. I am your newest follower,stop by when you get the chance
