Friday, October 5, 2012

500 -- Say whaaaat?!?

I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...I DID!! I made it to see another Friday afternoon. Whew!! I'm not gonna lie, there was more than once this week when I really didn't think I would make it. But I'll tell you what gave me the extra little kick I was needing to make it through the day. A sweet comment from Heather at Teach it Today letting me know my little bloggy-blog had officially reached the big Five-oh oh-!!! Shut. The. Front. Door. You all make my day every day so thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning into my corner of the world :) I promise to put together a sweet 500 Follower giveaway for all of you in the very near future!!

Speaking of giveaways, one of my Favorite Bloggers in all the land, Ms. Kelley Dolling from Teacher Idea Factory is having a 1K Follower giveaway, full of goodies just in time for Halloween, including my Witches Brew {Halloween} Mini Unit.  Kelley is pretty much the freebie queen of the blogging world IMHO so I'm so thrilled to be helping her out with this giveaway!!

Sour Apple Studio

In other news...I was *hoping* to share with you all today. Well, hoping is the operative word in that sentence because my little USB that I scan all my craftivity templates on before I post them decided to pick today of all days to kick the bucket on me. Yep, he's officially a goner. So unfortunately, I can't scan the tracers right now- ugh. BUT -- if you think you might be able to use this sentence buddy in your classroom then come back tomorrow  because I promise to have him scanned, posted, and available to you along with some details about how he came to be in our room this week :)

Alright, well I'm off to meet one of my besties for a frosty beverage or four two. 

Guarantee you I will still be in bed before 9:00. My former college self is rolling her eyes at me as I type!




  1. Congrats on reaching 500 followers! Looking forward to your giveaway!!!
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. Wow how awesome is that 500! Whoot Whoot! Congrats.
    The Hive

  3. Congrats on 500 followers! Definitely a milestone. :-)

  4. Thanks for the shout out! I'm so happy for you to be at 500. I know it took a lot of time and hard work! Your blog is great and you will have 1,000 followers in no time. :)

    Heather at TeachItToday

  5. That last little line made me laugh so loudly! "My former college self is rolling her eyes at me as I type!" TOO FUNNY! My friends and I went out to dinner and a movie but only got the dinner part because we were too tired, at 10o'clock! Oh, the adult life! lol
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  6. CONGRATS friend!!!!!! You deserve all 531 followers! :)


    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
