Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Team Teaching Tuesday: Accessing Learning

I hope you will forgive me for missing Team Teaching Tuesday last week!! It was day one, week one of parent teacher conferences and I was in full on prep mode. But it's back this week! Prepping for conferences got me thinking. How you do access student learning?? I'm not only talking about formal state testing or benchmark data (although that is certainly a big piece of the puzzle these days) but also informally and in a way that helps you make meaning of where your kiddos are at. 

Here are two that I have used recently....

I saw something similar to this floating around Pinterest awhile back and thought it was such a good idea!! It seemed like something that I could do quick and easy at the end of each day in the midst of the dismissal wind down. It's mostly just fun for me to see what the kids say "stuck" with them from the day. I hand out sticky notes and have them write one thing we learned that day that stuck in their brain. Sometimes it's all the same thing, like when we made the cloud in the microwave. Other days, they all have different answers. The sticky notes on there aren't the ones I actually give them, I just keep those ones there for decoration, ha! I have my own sticky note arsenal that I hand out each afternoon.

Another thing I have been loving this time of year is Ashely Hughes's Fry Word Mega Pack. Ashely quickly rose to the very top of my go to clip artist list this year!! I think you're all familiar with her adorable clipart! But before I ever bought a piece of clipart from her store I bought this pack. The word MEGA in the title is no exaggeration. This pack is HUGE!! Over 600 pages to be exact. She's covered everything you can think of in the sight word department with this one and gives a ton of options in terms of assessment and recording sheets for teachers. I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to find one you'd love using  in this pack. Below are the assessment sheets and word lists that I like most. Gave me some great info for conferences!!

 {Check out Ashely's detailed post on this pack here}

So those are my quick two. What about you?? Come join the conversation! Grab the button, link up, and show us what you do or use in your classroom to access student learning!!

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