Sunday, September 30, 2012

Transition Song & Giveaways!!

Good Morning Friends!! Most weekends = relaxing sleep in days for me. It's just me, my hubs, and our dog babies occupying this nest right now. So my favorite thing to do on the weekend is lazily hang together with them and enjoy the down time. Even though I love teaching,  transitioning back into the Go Go Go of the workweek is always a bit of a struggle for us. Especially the dogs, who believe they are indeed the very center of this universe. Transitions can be a struggle for my kiddos in the classroom sometimes too. I like NEED to keep my kids busy at all times because if not, things can get a little hairy. So for all my fellow Sunday - Workday transition strugglers, I thought I would take a moment and share my Transition Song with you!

I should start by letting you know this is not entirely my brain child. My Vice Principal made up part of it my first year teaching after I identified "transitions" as an area I wanted to improve on during an evaluation. But I of course jazzed it up a bit over the years. And below you can find the end result. It isn't sung to any particular tune and yet it does have a nice little rhythm if your a loud chanter like myself. I also tend to clap while I say it.

 Ps. You can click the image below to download this little freebie for yourself if you'd like :)

{The font used in this little poster is my new FAVORITE font and it was created by Nicole from Rowdy In Room 300-!!}

Here's an example of how I use this jingle in my classroom.

Me: "Okie Dokie Arta-chockies, when I say the magic word I want you to *transition* to the carpet for calendar. Ready? TRANSTION!"

Everyone: Bursts Into Song!

 Ok, so it's not exactly The Sound of Music of anything. But you get the idea. And  Here's the cool part- the kids learn it pretty quickly just by listening to me say it several times a day. Once they do, they end up singing along. Andif they're singing, they're not talking to any and everyone around them. It's not too long- just long enough to get from point A to point B. And by the end of the song they know I expect every one of them to be where I told them to be, SLANTING, and ready to jump right into our next activity. It's good stuff! If only it would work on the four legged breed.

Moving on, I have two incredibly big giveaways to share with you....

First up is Amy from What Happen in First Grade. She is one of my very favorite new bloggers! Seriously, you should see the stuff this girl posts!! Amy is celebrating 100 Followers with prizes from over 20 bloggers AND and $25 Ann Taylor Loft gift card. Um hello...that store is always calling my name.

And Dana from Fun in 1st is celebrating the big five-oh-oh!! She has rounded up 50 bloggers, the world's best pencil sharpener, and some Starbucks to giveaway in a series of giveaways. Sound more like a party to me!

I'm participating in both of these giveaways- so unfortunately I can't take part in any of them. But YOU most certainly can!! Click their buttons above to get yourself entered!

Alright friends, I'm off to enjoy my lazy Sunday and hoping you all enjoy yours too!!


  1. What a cute song!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I love your song. I feel like in my classroom I'm always singing something. So this will be perfect.
    The Hive

  3. Cute song! Thanks for the shout out! I think you should enter! It's my giveaway, so my rules!! :)
    Enter my HUGE 500 follower giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade
