Monday, August 31, 2015

Five Fun Facts #TEACHERWEEK15

Teacher Week 15' is here and I'm all in!! Today I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' to share five fun facts. Let's see if I can't dig up a little randomness for this one.  

1. I met my husband when I was 19, exactly one day before my 20th birthday! We were babies. At the time we were both studying aboard in Australia. Now, I'm currently in the very last year of my 20's. Eek!!! Say What Now?!! 

2. I love me some coffee, but the coffee don't love me! Y'all I am NOT a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. But sadly, coffee can give me the shakes and some seriously awful headaches if I don't wait until AFTER a full meal is good and settled into my stomach before I drink it. So there is no *rise and shine pour a cup to get with the program* for me. I'd guesstimate that one out of every 7-8 cups turns on me. Usually because I tried drinking it too early or too late in the day. But I love coffee too much to quit it, so I keep coming back for more!! 

3. Fur babies. We have two. They're our only babies for now and yes, they're spoiled pretty rotten. They're both rescues. We got Ariel as a puppy and Ziggy when he was about a year old. Pretty certain her favorite thing in the world is snow and his are all his toys.  

4.  On our first teacher work day this year my principal surprised us with a trip to Sports Authority Field (Home of the Denver Broncos-!!) for a teacher training camp! We set goals for us and our students, had our PD in a VIP suite, and toured the stadium. We even had our own lockers in the visitor locker room waiting for us!!! 

5. FALL is my absolute FAVORITE time of the year and I cannot wait for it to be here!!! Bring on the boots, the pumpkin lattes, and all things Halloween!!!! 

Seriously, so stinkin' excited!! 

Want to share 5 facts about yourself? Head over to Blog Hoppin' to link up!! You can also get in on the action this year using Instagram or Periscope and the hashtag #teacherweek15.


And check out the schedule for the rest of the week. 
I'll be back tomorrow to share my current go-to make ahead lunch! 

1 comment:

  1. So fun to read! I met my hubby right before I turned 19, so we grew up together, too! LOVE summer, but fall is definitely my favorite! I'm a total coffee addict, so no advice from me! Jen
