Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Book Study! Want to join?!

Happy Tuesday Friends!!

I'm here today to share something I'm super excited about a that's coming your way! But first, I have to start with a little confession. It pains me to admit how little reading for pleasure I get done during the school year unless I happen find myself on winter, spring, or summer break. Truth be told on most days I feels like it's an accomplishment if I've had enough time to check my work e-mail. HA!!  


But if you're any bit of a big ol' teacher nerd like me, it's hard not to love diving into a great "educational" read. Every year I find myself thinking, how I can improve my practice? What new things should I be trying to hep me reach them better?! Every last little one of them. You don't have to tell me it's an overwhelming task to take on. But there is also comfort in knowing we're in it together, right?!! Many of my friends recently got to travel to the Ron Clark Academy. While I wasn't one of the lucky ones who got to visit (It's a the very top of my bucket list for next year-!!) the conversations that followed inspired so many of us to find new and exciting ways to reach our young learners! Really engaging them in meaningful ways!! 

So we decided to start a little book study and we hope you'll join us!

Starting February 28th, some of your favorite bloggers will be hosting a book study every Tuesday and Saturday with chapters from this book right here: 

Nobody should feel like they need to sit down and read it all in one sitting!! It's been paced out so that anybody out there, even those of you with a crazy busy schedule (All the hands shoot up ;) ) can still join in and make it work for you. 

Linky parties will take place on these different blogs each time.
Here is the order so you can plan accordingly :)

Kickin it in Kindergarten- Chapters 1 &2 (February 28th)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten- Chapter 3 (March 7th)
Queen of the First Grade Jungle Chapter 4 (March 10th)
Fabulous in First  Chapter 5 (March 14th)
One Extra Degree Chapter 6 (March 17th)
Mrs. Jump’s Class Chapter 7 (March 28th)
The First Grade Parade  Chapter 8 (March 31st)
In April, you will be visiting these girls for the remainder of the study:
Mrs. Ehle’s Kindergarten Chapter 9 &10 (April 4th)
What The Teacher Wants Chapter 11 (April 7th)
First Grader At Last Chapter 12 (April 11th)
Erica’s Ed Ventures  Chapter 13 (April 14th)
KinderGals Chapter 14 &15 (April 18th)
A Rocky Top Teacher Chapter 16 (April 21st)
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten Chapter 17 (April 25th)
Little Warriors Chapter 18 (April 28th)
Falling Into First Chapter 19 (May 2nd)
Kickin’ it in Kindergarten Chapter 20 (May 5th)

Elizabeth breaks it down perfectly...

You can join in for whatever part you like! If you are not a blogger, that is OK! We will want you to join in on the fun. You can participate in the conversation in the comments. We want this to be a positive collaboration between teachers! The whole point is to encourage each other with inspiring ideas while still using research based best practice.

Another reason I'm excited for this book study is it goes back to the heart of why I started blogging. Teachers getting together to TALK, collaborate, and learn together!!! Hope to see you on the 28th!


  1. I just ordered this book yesterday! I can't wait until it gets here!

  2. Just placed my order - thank you! Visiting RCA is on my bucket list, too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Marcia Tate spoke at out annual TEACH conference last year. She was fantastic! Kim Bearden spoke in the afternoon. It was a magical day!

    Really looking forward to this book study!

  5. This sounds like a fun way to tackle a good book...count me in!
    First Grade Bangs

  6. I had the pleasure of having Marcia Tate come to our district and speak to our 2nd grade teachers personally. It was very interesting hearing her speak!!

    Owls and Lessons, Etc.

  7. Ordered the book last night and cannot wait until this starts. I'm so excited to hear what other educators think. I was privileged to hear her speak once and am so ready for this. I believe this will be some great professional development. Thanks for the opportunity to join you.

  8. I just bought the book and can't wait to start! Going to The Ron Clark Academy is on my bucket list too. If you get to go next year, please take me. :) This is just what I needed to get back started blogging. I can't wait to see how I learn and grow as an educator.

    Elizabeth L.
    The First Grade Jungle Room
