Friday, October 26, 2012

No Tricks Just Treats :)

{Thanks Alisha for the adorable button}

That's right -- no tricks here people!!  

I'm throwing a 20% off sale this weekend on everything in my TPT store.

And I'm not the only one. Many of my best blogging buddies are linking up and giving you the same "treat-ment" 

{This is my go to pack o' Halloween fun!! It's full of goodies to do with your kiddos next week!}

Friends I'm not going to lie to you. October has been kicking my bootay like non other. 



Steph: 0


But I've spent the last week getting prepared to KNOCK OUT November-!!
Tonight I'm going to a Halloween party and I still haven't finished my costume. Ahhh!! But in the spirit of my favorite Holiday, if you can guess my all time favorite Halloween costume that I put together, I will give you any item in my store that you'd like.


1) It's tall.

2) It's green.

3) It usually twinkles.

First to comment with the answer and an e-mail wins!! And I'll be sure to share a picture too :)

Congratulations Suzy Q!!

You guessed it! Not the best lighting on my back in the day cafe camera but I was one decorated Christmas Tree!!


  1. I will go with a Christmas tree. (That or the Jolly Green Giant joins Stars on Ice!). I need a costume idea...will love to see how you put yours together.

    Tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. I think Suzy got it lol! Your Witch's Brew is on my must have list!! I'm snatching that up!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Christmas Tree... I wanna see pictures! :)
    Sweet Times in First
