Sunday, September 16, 2012

Show Some L*O*V*E and Spread The Word

I have to take a moment this Sunday to share with you an amazing fundraiser that fellow blogger Alisha from the The Bubbly Blond Teacher has organized to help one of her best friends who is very much in need right now. Alisha's friend Tiffany was recently diagnosed with Hodkins Lymphoma cancer after being told for months that she was suffering from symptoms of pneumonia. She is at stage three. Tiffany is also the mother of  a not yet one year old baby girl and is currently unable to work while undergoing treatments.


Her story is heartbreaking, but Alisha has set up an incredible fundraiser to help Tiffany cover her bills, mortage, and life expenses while she is in the hospital. In less than 24 hours Alisha has raised over $4,000 through the tremendous ammount of love that has been poured out by the blogging community. Pay it forward with a $20 donation and Alisha will send you a packet filled with over $200 worth of products that have been donated. Click the button below to see what you will can get.


Even if you can't make a donation you can still help by taking a moment to spread the word.

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