Friday, August 22, 2014

FIRST WEEK: Five For Friday

Our first week back with kiddos was a "short" one...Wend-Fri. But it was just long enough for this one very tiered teacher. I needed something quick & easy to share some hilights with ya'll today. So thanks Kacey - Five For Friday to the rescue!!! :)

1. {MORNING WORK FREEBIE} -- Our morning work on the second day of school!!! It's a freebie from my blog last year that you can check out here.

2. {BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING}-- The only Lakeshore Learning store in Colorado is an hour away from me. I drove down there for the first time ever this weekend because I wanted something but didn't care to wait for it to ship from the catalog. When I pulled up I noticed a Nordstrom Rack one building over. I'd never been to one before, but I dare say that whoever designed this area knew exactly what they were doing by putting these two stores so close to each other.

But two new pairs of shoes and a few rolls of paper later, I wasn't complaining.

3. {SNEAK PEEKS} -- My classroom reveal is not ready yet. But I did work on it like a bit of a crazy lady for the entire week leading up to the first day. There are still a few details I need to get up on the walls. Also, I'm terribly indecisive. Which has led to me going back and making some last minute changes. {Story of my life.} But I promise to have it up and posted very soon!! You'll also spot a few handy helpers I enlisted to help me set up shop. Does anyone else find classroom set up to sometimes be a bit of a family affair?

4. {SCHEDULE IT!} -- I blogged all about our Daily Schedule on Thursday. This was my Instagram peek, but you can read whole thing on Thursday's blog post. I put on my big girl jammies so I could stay up past 8:00 PM and blog. Staying awake past 8:00 PM the first week of school takes a honest to goodness effort friends. But I dug deep! ;)

5. {I'M BLOG HOPPIN'}-- I'm now a member of  Blog Hoppin'!! I'm beyond thrilled to join this most amazing crew of ladies! My friend Katie from Little Warriors and I got to kick off Teacher Week on Monday with some more info about us. It was my first post as a "hopper". Now that the weekend is here you should really curl up in your favorite spot and take some time to check out all the posts linked up for Teacher Week. I was cruising through them tonight and they're all bubbling over with back to school goodness and inspiration!

 Before I jet I just wanted to toss a little reminder out there that you still have time to enter to win this 'Live, Love, Learn' t-shirt from Erin Condren!!!

It's my new all time favorite teacher t-shirt. It's the softest shirt I own and without an ounce of clingy. Swoon. The giveaway closes Saturday at midnight so hurry up and go enter HERE, right now!!! :)

Happy Weekend Ya'll!!!


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    Congrats on surviving your first week back to school. I remember how exhausting it is. I was always so glad to have a shorter first week back. I can't imagine having to go a full week that first week. Where are you in Colorado? I ask because I was born in Golden. My dad worked for Coors. We lived there until I was 7. I still enjoy going back to visit and to ski! Vail and Breck are my favorites. I LOVE the shirt. I may just have to enter the giveaway. :)
    Happy Friday!
    Joya :)

  2. Love your back to school shopping pics! Nordstrom Rack and Lakeshore are both favorites of mine, too. If those paper rolls in your picture are the fadeless kind, they're totally worth the price. ;)
    Literacy Loving Gals

  3. Definitely a congrats is in order for your first week back to school! I remember being so exhausted after the first day! Your classroom looks great and your new teacher t-shirt is adorable! Thanks for sharing this week!! :)

    Sliding Into Second Grade

  4. Can't wait to see your room reveal- I love the pink and green colors in the sneak peak photos. Congrats on surviving the first week of school. Rest up for the long week next week. :)


  5. I'm super jealous that you live nearby the Lakeshore/Nordstrom Rack combination. Sounds like a perfect shopping center to me!

    Paiges of Learning

  6. You made it through the first 3 days, hooray! We started MONDAY 8/4 and have made it 3 whole weeks. Since school started, I've made it home before 8 p.m. once I think....and middle school starts at 7:30 a.m., whether I've had enough sleep or not. Hope you get some rest this weekend, and have a wonderful year!
