Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week One Snapshots

Wow, week one is already over and done. Can I just tell you, I'm in full on puppy dog love with my new little bunch!! This year is the opposite of last year, and the majority of my class is made up of firsties again. They're all so eager to learn and participate and sing all my silly songs with me. They've totally won me over!!! I snapped a bunch of random photos throughout our first week together in first &second grade. Even though I'm more than halfway through this blessed three day weekend, I still feel myself suffering from that special type of tiered that can only mean the start of the school year. I know you all know what I mean!  So for the most part I'm going to let the pictures do the talking for me...

 Working on our first writing crafitvity of the year!!

 First week survival stash my sweet hubs brought me after day one. #truelove

Starting our first week jounals on day one. 

Oh Pete! How we just love reading about you again, and again, and again...

Sorting buttons by color was a big hit. Sometimes I gotta keep it old school simple.

And so it begins. So many e-mails, so little time. Eek!

Everyone is Smart!!! :)

First graph of the year. Blue wins!

Never been more in love with my word wall than I am this year!

So there you have it. Week one in ten random snapshots. 
Happy Weekend Friends!!!


  1. Your word wall blows my mind!!! Great one my dear. Miss you muchas!

  2. When I took my first grade job it was an opening from a retiring teacher so I inherited some awesome goodies. Among those goodies were bags of buttons. I didn't know if I wanted to use them for crafts or as counters but maybe I'll keep it old school too!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

    1. Mine were inherited from previous teachers too!! It was a fun find when I moved into my new classroom last year! :)

  3. There is nothing quite as fun as a bucket of buttons! Glad that you are having a great back-to-school time. I start on Wednesday with kids...may need to get some KIND bars and chocolate for myself!
    Lori @
    Bee the Change
    Mrs. Faas’ First Grade

  4. Where do you get your journals from? Or, do you make them? Smiles!

    1. I did make them! :) They're one of the activities included in my Back to School Bash packs on TPT!

  5. Hi! I am also interested in your journals. Can you help us out! Thanks!

    1. Hi hagendaz! They're one of the activities included in my Back to School Bash packs on TPT!!:)

  6. Your word wall is adorable! Love it!!

    Glad you love your new bunch.

    Have a great Labor Day!

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. Thanks so much Becky! I hope you had a great one too!!

  7. I am starting first grade next year. I am interested in your word wall. Do you write the words on the sheets and hang them back up. I have taught kindergarten for 7 years so this is a whole new world for me.

    1. Hi Lauren! Welcome to 1st grade!! :) I used the strips of white paper because I wanted them to pop off the blue background. I think this makes the words would be easier for the kids to read. Then I staple the new sight words for the week onto the white strips of paper as we add them. I have laminated sight word cards with all our grade specific words on them. I'll make sure and take better pictures of the complete word wall to share when I take pictures of my classroom at the start of this school year!
