Sunday, August 18, 2013

Schedule It!!

Dear Summer Vacation,

I will miss you. Please come back soon!

All my love,  

Teacher Going Back to Work Tomorrow

Yep, this was my last official weekend of summer break. I'd spend a little more time being sad about it if I didn't have a million things to do between now and this time next week. Aint noody got time to be sad!! Ha! I worked on my classroom a lot last week. No big reveal pics yet because it's still big ol' work in progress, but I'm hoping to have it ready to go by mid week. (So check back soon!!) Here are a few peeks in the meantime from Instagram to show you how things are coming along...

{painting these bookshelves is on the above mentioned to-do list}

One of the things on my never ending "to-do" list was to  give my schedule cards a bit of a facelift. I've used the ones I currently have for the past three years and they have seen better days. So I decided to cross this one off the list! I find that my kids refer to our schedule all.the.time throughout the day. Which is fine until we get off schedule, and then, WATCH OUT! 20 plus little schedule stalkers let me know exactly where I slipped off course. Needless to say, the schedule cards help keep me us in line.

I wanted to post them for others to use too but I know that every school and teacher has different names for their daily events. I could have sat here and tried, unsuccessfully, to anticipate every possible one that would be needed. That sounded stressful though.

And then I thought....

So instead I did this....

 Just some examples of how you can customize these guys to say whatever you would like.

These  Schedule It! (Brights Cards) and Schedule It! (Primary Cards) are on sale today along with everything in my store fort he big TPT Back to School Sale!!

Whatever you do, don't forget to enter the code BTS13 at check out.

Nothing like a huge shopping spree to help me beat the end of summer blues!!

Happy Shopping!!!