Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to School E-Magazine

Last year Melanie and April put out their first ever Back to School E- Magazine. It was full of  items selected by teacher bloggers that they loved to use in their classrooms. Well happy day everyone - because this year's edition is now here!!

 {You can pin this image to SHARE with teachers everywhere. See the actual magazine below.}

They've asked a fabulous group of teacher bloggers to join them again this year by sharing their top three "Back to School Must Haves" for a successful year! I was even lucky enough to come on board this year as one of the contributors.  (Check me out on the bottom of the first page of goodies!) Can I just tell you how hard it was to only pick THREE items!? Insanely hard!! Flair pens and  the scotch laminator are both also at the very top of my list. But luckily just about everything I didn't pick was selected by one of more of the other contributors. Which is how I know teachers are just a special like minded breed!
The items I selected are just things that I truly LOVE and help make my teacher life go round!!! Click on any of the products in the magazine and it will direct you to the sites where you can find more information about that item. Also, there are lots of familiar blog buttons and faces to see. You can clik on those to see more of each contributors ideas and classroom resources.

Happy browsing!!

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