Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Flash Sale & Currently

 Happy Labor Day Friends!! I hope you all are enjoying your extra day of rest. I know I am!

{Thanks Hadar for the adorable  button!}

 In honor of Labor Day, and the start of a new school year, and my general love of SALES....

Everything in my TPT store is currently 20% off until midnight tonight!!

So sad news,  Labor day is usually the last weekend the pool is open in my subdivision. Boo! But the good news, Labor Day also marks the beginning of September, which means Farely's September Currently linky is up! Yay!

Seriously -- these IZZIE Grapefruit sodas are my favorite things to get my hands on right now!!
I had one last night with the yummy dinner my rock star hubs cooked up for us -- bacon wrapped scallops & salad. A salad which included his very recent discovery of toasting regular bread drizzled in olive oil to make croutons. So easy and deee-lish in the salad every night!

 He's made all our dinner since school started this past week. I think it's because he know my stress levels are higher than normal. But I told him tonight that he's done such a great job, that nightly dinner gig is officially his! He didn't seemed thrilled with the nomination though. Can't imagine why....hehe. 


  1. I want someone to come cook for me! Enjoy Hunger Games. I liked it...not as much as the book of course.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. I'd love for 3 day weekends to be the norm!

    Success in Second Grade
    Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

  3. I just rented Hunger Games but haven't watched it yet. My hubby is the chef in the house. If he doesn't cook then he doesn't eat, lol!! I just bought anew printer at Costco an HP Photosmart 6515. It was on sale for $80 and is working pretty well so far. Lets hope I get more than 100 colored pages!!

    Surfin' Through Second

  4. Enjoy your yummy dinners while you can! :) He sounds like a keeper. ;)

    Best wishes for a great week!


  5. I also make myself wait to see the Hunger Games until I finished all three books. It was worth the wait!

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