Monday, June 11, 2012

The Teacher Desk of my Dreams

I've been wanting to blog about this one since before I was officially blogging. It's the story of how I met my dream teacher desk.  It all started when I found this picture on Pinterest.The original source led back to Michelle Oakes' beautiful desk. It was love at first sight for me!

It was also love at first for  my bestie, Krista, who teaches 2nd grade across the hall. We had to have it! So our first free Sunday, we borrowed her parent's HUGE pick up and truck and off to Ikea we went.

 Purchasing furniture at Ikea is a very good work out.
So is lifting the furniture in and out of a gigantic pick up truck.
We later found out this was all cake compared to the assembly process.
Speaking of cake,we made a quick but well deserved stop at the neighboring Cheesecake Factory for lunch :)

Then it was straight to school to where the real work began. No husbands, no helpers, just two teachers on a mission...

This was my desk space before. It was cluttered, messy, and too busy! Fortunately you can't see the mess inside of the drawers.
 This was the view from the door of my classroom leading towards my teacher desk and my book bin storage shelf.

All in all we worked for over 12 hours from the time we left my house to the time we left the school around 8:30 at night. By the end we were exhausted.  But it was all worth it because the next morning, my work space looked like this...

And my book bin shelf looked like this. SO much better!!
I realize not every body can just go out and purchase new furniture for their classroom.  I looked at this as a personal investment. All the pieces belong to me so I can now take them with me to any classroom I am in. If I ever find myself not in the classroom, I would be able to make equally good use of them at my own house. And it has helped tremendously with my classroom organizational skills and sanity!

I am linking up with Tara's from 4th Grade Frolic for her weekly Monday Made It Linky. Technically this one would be more of a "put together" then a "made" but it was still a Pinterest inspired project and the put together part was no joke! :)

I'll be back tomorrow to show you how I use the space now and share some of my orginizational tips that  anyone can build into their work space.


  1. Stephanie!
    Love the new desk!!! So open and clutter free:) I can't wait to see what else you do with it:)) (like put on top of it) Thanks for linking up:))

    Love the cheesecake treat too!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. So glad to have found a new first grade blog to stalk ;) I teach in KS, and we are not lucky enough to have an IKEA anywhere close by... I'm very jealous of your very organized area!!


  3. Thanks ladies :)

    Laura- Our state just got it's 1st Ikea this past summer so hopefully they are working their way out to KS soon!

  4. You girls are hard workers! I love your new desk!

  5. Hadn't seen this style of desk but I love how it connects all the shelving!

  6. I love this! I have seen it Ikea but never in the classroom and I already own 2 of the big cubbies (which are a giant pain!!) ... I just need the desk. Thanks so much!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  7. WOW!! I love this! What parts or how many parts did you purchase from IKEA to complete your whole look? Thanks!

  8. I love this! I would also like to know what parts you purchased

    Is it on the website?

    Pocket Full of Kinders

    Shuna P

  9. Hey ladies! All the pieces are from Ikea's EXPEDIT collection. To see the collection pieces click HERE and the link will take you to the place on the website that features the collection. (To see all the pieces see "more models" underneath the product picture) To create the desk unit I got the Expedit desk & and the 4 X4 matching shelving unit each sold seperately. You can also purchase a 2X 4 shelving unit to go with the desk if you don't need as many storage squares. Or if you're like Misty and already own one of these shelving units, you can just purchase the desk and be done :)

  10. Wow that looks great. I want one, but the nearest Ike's store is four hours away.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Now that is some desk! I didn't know IKEA had that! I wish I had room in my classroom for a desk like that. And to top it off with the Cheesecake Factory...that's like the best day ever! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  12. I love Ikea's Expedit collection! Your new setup looks great!
    Stories From Second

  13. I am totally loving that desk! How fun!!! I am your newest follower. Come by and visit :)
    Michelle @ Smitten With First

  14. Ohhh I love this!! I'm glad I found your blog (new follower, yay!). I admire your determination in building it... I can hardly put together my son's toys. He's 19 months hahaha. I'd hate to see how a desk I tried to build would turn out ;)

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  15. Thanks everyone for the desk love :)

    Lori - The Cheesecake Factory is my favorite! The desk was just the icing on top of my huge slice of cake lol!!

    Katie- Thanks for follwing! (I'm a blog fan of yours too!!)You should have seen us sitting the sea of pieces. Every once in awhile we'd put a section together just to realize that we did it backwards or something, not fun. But we both got the same desks and shelves so by the end we were timing ourselves to see if we could beat our original times!

  16. This is fabulous! Was it hard to put together?

    Growing Up Teaching

  17. My husband is going to be soooooooooo mad you showed me this hehehehehe oh IKKKKKKKKEA!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    PS I'm having a linky and would love for you to join!

  18. Love the desk. I have an old desk and painting it this summer is on my to do list!! Can't wait to share~

  19. That desk is so cool!! Isn't IKEA such a fun place??

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey everyone, if you'd like to see some of the tips I have for organizing your teacher desk/work space, check out today's post. You don't need this particular desk to make them happen either!
    Hey everyone, if you'd like to see some of my tips for organizing your teacher desk/work space, check out today's post. You don't need this particular desk to do them either!
    ❤- Stephanie

    @Robyn- I'd love a refinished desk too. I'm currently on the look out for a good (small) desk for my house that I can paint white.

  22. I absolutely love Ikea! The nearest one to me is 3.5 hours away, but makes for a fabulous weekend getaway in Atlanta! I never leave with under 2 cartfuls... Love the desk, great work!

  23. Don't you just love it! Ikea is the best for classrooms! I was just there two days ago shopping for my classroom. :)

  24. I am SO glad you stopped by my blog so I could find yours... I adore you new desk space!!! I actually considered buying that desk for my bedroom awhile back, but never considered putting it in my classroom. It looks wonderful! I got rid of my teacher desk because it took up too much space, but I might be able to justify bringing in that desk and shelf combo... would make a perfect writing center! Hmmmm... my wheels are spinning! :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  25. I am laughing out loud reading these comments about putting IKEA furniture together! I helped my dad put together an IKEA entertainment center... no joke... it came in THIRTY SEVEN separate boxes!!! Gotta love IKEA :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  26. I'm SO JEALOUS!!!!! No Ikea here in Charleston, but ya'lls rooms look amazing! I'm currently giving myself a migraine trying to arrange my "teacher area" and classroom library-those shelves are perfect! Nice work :)

  27. Just found this from Pinterest - love your blog!
    As I was looking at the Ikea website, it says you need to mount the unit to the wall - did you do this with your unit? I'm considering getting the 2X4 shelves with desk, but definitely can't mount it to the wall!

    1. Hi Allyson! Thanks so much!! I didn't mount the unit to the wall and it has never been a problem! It's a very sturdy unit, and not light of flimsy. I actually moved the desk from my old school to my new one this summer so I was grateful not to have had it mounted. :)

  28. I never even thought of buying an IKEA desk for my classroom! I love IKEA! I have gotten so much stuff for my classroom but this never crossed my mind! What an awesome idea! I can only imagine how much more organized it would make me. Thanks so much for sharing!!
